Healthcare Business Benchmarking and Compensation & Production Analysis in Salt Lake City

Our team works to provide a series of valuable metrics essential when hiring a new provider. These include negotiating compensation, goal setting, validating compensation or production among others. The best time for knowing how to adjust your practices for better performance is always now.  We strive to explore as many points of information as possible to ensure broad analysis by specialty and by region. 

Our team will use these metrics to develop a plan that rebalances the various aspects of your business. With our help you’ll more effectively drive performance, compensation, and profits. We utilize at least three survey data sets to analyze the following areas

  • Compensation
  • Compensation to Collection ratio
  • Patient Volume
  • Encounters
  • Benefits
  • wRVU
  • wRVU Conversion Factor
  • Collection Ratio
  • Net Collection
  • Gross Charges
  • Overhead matrix

Each of these metrics reveals essential information about you and your business. They will show you where you’re performing strongly, and which areas can use some degree of improvement. Once the overall performance of your business has become clear, it’s possible to make meaningful and effective changes.  

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